Investice do vzácných sběratelských předmětů

Terms and conditions

Complaints procedure

1.   For ordered goods delivered via Czech Post, the Buyer is obliged to check whether the goods are free from defects caused by shipping. If the goods have defects, the Buyer is obliged to not accept the goods. The Buyer is also obliged to immediately inform the Seller of any goods damaged in shipping.

2.   If any of the goods supplied by this online store have a claimable defect, the Buyer may lodge a complaint by email at

3.   The notification of defects must include: the name, address, phone number, and email address of the Buyer, order number, invoice number, a detailed description of the defect and a description of how the defect occurred. The returned goods will only be tested for the described problem.

4.   Immediately after receiving the notification of defects in accordance with points 1 and 2 of this complaints procedure the Seller shall inform the Buyer on the subsequent action depending on the type of goods, in particular to where the Buyer should return the defective goods (the Seller’s headquarters, authorized service centre, etc.).

5.   The cost of shipping to the service centre is covered by the Buyer. The cost of shipping returned goods back to the Buyer is covered by the Seller.

6.   If the goods need to be sent back to the Seller, the customer is obliged to pack the goods in their original packaging. If the Buyer does not have the original packaging they shall provide new packaging satisfying the shipping requirements at their own cost. The Buyer acknowledges that should the goods be insufficiently protected during shipping the complaint may not be recognized.

7.   Depending on the type of defects and the nature of the goods the returned goods will either be repaired, replaced or the paid purchase price will be refunded in accordance with the valid legislation of the Czech Republic.

8.   The Seller shall assume no liability for damages arising from the operation of the products, functional properties, damage arising from improper use of the product, or damage arising from external events and mishandling. These defects are not covered by the warranty.

9.   The warranty period for new goods is 24 months, for older and used goods it is 6 months.

10.   The Buyer has the right to withdraw from the purchase contract with the possibility of a refund. The Buyer shall send as soon as possible a written notification of contract withdrawal – refund, which must be delivered within 14 days; it is not enough to send the form on the last day of this period.

A written withdrawal for the contract must contain:

    name and surname
    order number
    contact (telephone number, email)
    bank account
    copy of the sales receipt (invoice)

Written withdrawal from the contract should be sent to our address
17. Listopadu č. 18, 669 02 Znojmo, Czech Republic.
Refunds can only be made at the company’s headquarters.



Postage and packing prices

Postage and packing is governed by the following price list.

Postage and packing prices are subject to change based on an oral agreement between the Buyer and the Seller.

Insured letter

A complete price list for postage of “insured letters” can be found here.

Ochrana osobních údajů

Ve společnosti Numfil věnujeme ochraně osobních údajů velkou pozornost. V přiloženém dokumentu naleznete informace o tom, jaké osobní údaje zpracováváme zejména o našich zákaznících a uživatelích našeho webu, zda údaje zpracováváme na základě souhlasu nebo na základě jiného právního důvodu, k jakým účelům je používáme, komu je můžeme předávat a jaká máte v souvislosti se zpracováním vašich osobních údajů práva.

Ochrana osobních údajů (GDPR)


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