Investice do vzácných sběratelských předmětů

How to buy

The procedure for purchasing from the online store is as follows:

  1. Register in our store
    • Click "Register" on the right side of the page
    • Follow the instructions in the Registration section, try to fill in all of the information as completely and truthfully as possible (this is necessary e.g. for sending the goods to you)
    • By registering you will receive your personal login name and password.
  2. Log in to the system
    • Click on the "Login" link on the right side of the page
    • Enter your username and password and press the "Login" button.
  3. Now you can fully use all of the functions of the online store, you can browse through the individual sections and add products to your shopping cart.
  4. Add a product to cart by clicking on the "Add to Cart" button in the product listing or by clicking on the "Add to Cart" button in the product detail.
  5. If you want to complete the purchase then click on the "View Cart" button on the right of the page. In the shopping cart you can change the quantity of the goods or remove the goods from the cart.
  6. If you are satisfied with your order click on the "Next step" button. Here you can check your personal information needed for delivering the goods, or you can add a note to the order.
  7. Finally, click the "Submit Order" button.
  8. This completes your purchase, an order confirmation will be immediately sent to your email address.

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Přerov Komenského tř., prošlá 1916
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Přerov Nádražní tř., prošlá, stržená zn.
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Přerov, neupotřebená 1916
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