Investice do vzácných sběratelských předmětů


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Numfil GmbH


Seidengasse 16/3, 1070 Wien, Austria
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Numfil s.r.o. - Numismatics and Philately Kovaljov


Kotlářská 3, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
GPS: 49°12'18.402"N, 16°35'44.525"E
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291 97 619


+420 603 811 031


Other activities:

We buy, sell, receive for auction and perform consignment sales of philatelic material, stamps, letters, postcards, coins, banknotes, medals, phone cards, etc.

Accessories for collectors:

  • trays (Safe, Linder, ... )
  • magnifying glasses (Peak)
  • tweezers (Safe, Linder)
  • professional literature (Michel catalogues)


We closely cooperate with the company Filatelie Klim


Filatelie KLIM Brno
Česká 19/21 (interactive map)
vchod z ulice Veselé
Česká republika
tel/fax: 00 420 5 4221 1931

Filatelie KLIM Brno
Pekařská 3/5 (interactive map)
Česká republika
tel: 00 420 5 4323 2888
fax: 00 420 5 4323 2887

Terms of sale:

  1. All of our items (products) are guaranteed to be authentic and genuine.
  2. The returns period is 10 days after receipt of the material (item).
  3. Payment of purchased items shall be regarded as payment of an order.
  4. The Buyer is considered to be the rightful owner after the full payment of the given account (invoices, purchase orders).
  5. If the Buyer fails to pay the specified amount for the goods ordered by the end of the agreed period (not later than 20 days after submitting a completed order) without any serious reason, the Seller (Numismatics and Philately Kovaljov) shall have the right to increase the agreed purchase price by 5 % per month. However, if the amount is still not paid for the ordered item after one month, the Seller shall be entitled to 15 % of the agreed purchase price (at least 1,000 CZK) in damages (compensation) for the unpaid order.
  6. We reserve a period of the time for sending the items (email, sending invoices/purchase orders) which you have ordered i.e. a maximum of 10 days after receiving your properly completed order.
  7. Prices of items offered by us are stated in CZK, USD, EUR.
  8. After payment of the account (payment of ordered items) and receiving a postal address, we will immediately send your ordered (reserved) goods. Postage and packing will be added to the purchase price based on the weight of the shipment and other charges (insurance, etc.).
  9. Orders are completed according to the date of acceptance; orders are processed on a first come first served basis.

Acceptance of items for consignment sale:

  1. Our company accepts materials (goods) for consignment sale.
  2. Consignment sales are made as follows: we accept your goods for consignment sale and we subsequently issue you with a certificate of consignment sale. We describe your goods and determine their sales price in agreement with you. Then we add your goods with the agreed price, description or photos to our current offer on our website.
  3. The commission for the goods sold is 15% (20 % if the selling price is not higher than 5,000 CZK) of the sales price of the item.
  4. You will be notified immediately after the goods are bought and paid for. After deducting our commission we will send you your money by post, check, bank transfer or in cash.
  5. Please include your full name, street name and number, city, post code, country, telephone number, fax number, and email address with the goods you send.
  6. Numismatics and Philately Kovaljov reserves the right to reject the goods offered for consignment sale.

Reservation of rights:

All rights are reserved by Numismatics and Philately Kovaljov. No part of our website may be used, reproduced or translated in any form, electronic, mechanically printed, photocopied, recorded or stored in a system for backing up documents, without our prior written consent.

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Přerov Komenského tř., prošlá 1916
Price: 4,00 EUR
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Přerov Nádražní tř., prošlá, stržená zn.
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Přerov, neupotřebená 1916
Price: 4,00 EUR
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1000 Kč 2023 série R 93 000059 pamětní s přítiskem ČNB 30 LET 1993 - 2023
Price: 180,00 EUR
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